Heartland Travel Showcase
Professional Code of Conduct Agreement
Description: Statements concerning behaviors, perceptions, and actions of all attendees that relate to ethical compliance while participating within all areas of Heartland Travel Showcase. This document is a guideline and does not represent the entire breadth of what constitutes good conduct and ethical behavior.
Purpose: To clearly set expectations so individuals will know how to act ethically at all times. The code is designed to foster trust and mutual respect among everyone who participates in Heartland Travel Showcase.
Governing Authorities: Heartland Show Management and Ohio Travel Association Board of Directors.
- This policy covers all buyers and sellers within Heartland Travel Showcase. It also covers individual attendee’s behaviors when acting in any capacity of attendance. Individuals registering for and being accepted into the showcase implicitly agree to abide by the rules and regulations that govern the show which include these ethical statements.
- All Heartland Travel Showcase attendees are expected to comply with any and all similar standards and ethical guidelines that are prescribed by show management.
Purpose: All attendees are expected to comply with the Heartland Travel Showcase Code of Ethical Conduct. When in doubt, attendees have the responsibility to seek clarification from show management.
Professional Behavior:
- All attendees are expected to maintain professional behavior during all communications and interactions, including pre-showcase communications, on-site interactions and immediate post-showcase communications.
- Each scheduled appointment consists of exactly six minutes which is to be used to conduct group tour business.
- Only registered sellers (exhibitors) and media vendors that have purchased exhibit booths are permitted to sell during the marketplace. Buyers (operators) are NOT permitted to sell products or services at the showcase.
- All show attendees are expected to show professional courtesy at all times. The use of disparaging comments and remarks against other attendees and staff is both unprofessional and unacceptable.
- Sexual Harassment and harassment of any type (on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, handicap, disability, political affiliation, personal appearance, student status, family responsibilities, veteran or military status, marital status) are strictly forbidden. This includes, but not limited to, unsolicited contact of any type, request of favors, physical assaults, threats, stalking and intimidation.
- All exhibit booths shall remain in-tact until the marketplace ends at noon on Sunday.
- All attendees shall abide by the time schedule concerning the Four Minute Meet. No exhibitor is permitted into this area until they have been given specific permission to enter.
- The Saturday lunch, education sessions, and any Networking functions are restricted to fully registered attendees ONLY. If you are registered as an exhibit floor only attendee, you will not be permitted to attend these functions.
Procedure for Reporting: Inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated by show management and attendees are expected to report inappropriate behaviors immediately to show management. Any allegation of inappropriate conduct will be investigated by show management.
Failure to Comply: Failure to comply with any of the items listed in the Heartland Travel Showcase Code of Ethical Conduct will result in your being asked to leave the show and your being blocked from future participation in the showcase.
I have read and agree to abide by the Heartland Travel Showcase Code of Ethics: